"What kind of bastards you are!!!", - Zozulya addressed the Russians against the backdrop of a missile attack on Kramatorsk

The former forward of Dynamo Kyiv and the national team of Ukraine, Roman Zozulya, spoke on the grounds of another missile attack by a sleazy non-Ukraine called "Russia" on Ukraine. That night, the enemy shelled Kramatorsk, again aiming at residential quarters.

Zozul's novel

"Kramatorsk... There are no words. The situation is almost the same as in the Dnipro. Hitting the house. Two entrances...

B*tch, what f**kers you are!!! You do not know how to do anything in this life: neither to live nor to fight.

There are no rules of war for you bastards... You know how to intimidate civilians. But they are not able to show their strength on the battlefield in the same way as with the civilian population.

Burning in hell is too good for you. This is not a punishment... I wish that every Russian would feel the pain that Ukrainians experienced when they lost their relatives, homes and everything on which their lives were built!" Zozulya wrote in his Telegram channel.

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  • Стас ДК(llo-stanslav) - Наставник
    02.02.2023 12:02
    Как же ти прав, Рома.
    • 2