Paulo Fonseca: “If you tell Ukrainian players to run 20 kilometers, they will run. Italians are not

The former head coach of Shakhtar Donetsk Paulo Fonseca, who is now coaching the French Lille, told what he thinks about the specifics of football in European countries.

Paulo Fonseca

“Football of any country has its own specifics. For example, work in Ukraine is fundamentally different from work, for example, in Italy or France.

If you tell Ukrainian football players to run 20 kilometers, they will run. Italians are not. But on the other hand, the Italians are able to continuously devote themselves to a theoretical lesson for two hours and will be fully involved in it, but with the French or the same Ukrainians, this is unrealistic.

In any country, it is necessary to adapt to the specifics and mentality of local football players. And you have no choice but to accept cardinal differences, otherwise you simply will not be able to adapt in your work, ”the Telegraph quoted Fonseca as saying.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    07.02.2023 13:18
    "Если бы губы Никанора Ивановича да приставить к носу Ивана Кузьмича, да взять сколько-нибудь развязности, какая у Балтазара Балтазарыча, да, пожалуй, прибавить к этому ещё дородности Ивана Павловича ..."
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