Source: Ruslan Rotan is one of the options for the "temporary coach" of the national team of Ukraine

Journalist Ihor Burbas talked about options for the spring headquarters of the Ukrainian national team, which are being considered in Laboratory Lane.

Ruslan Rotan (photo:

"The Ukrainian national team will receive the head coach at the end of February. That's when Serhiy Rebrov will decide the issue in "Al Ain". There is an option that while there will be a one-month break in the UAE Championship, he will be released for the 2 March national team matches (23rd against Brentford and 26th against England).

If the Emirates get involved, then Rebrov will form the headquarters, which will take the team to Foggy Albion. One of the options of acting the main one is Ruslan Rotan, who shows himself brilliantly in "Youth". But this does not mean that he will later join Rebrov's coaching staff. It just won't happen.

In any case, the temporary replacement of Rebrov will be approved by Rebrov himself. Again, this is only in case of need, if it somehow doesn't work out," Burbas wrote in his Telegram channel.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    10.02.2023 18:45
    Отличная идея! Ротань тренирует Алкесандрию и молодежную сборную. Может ещё и главную. Я б ему еще все юношеские отдал. И плюс он бы мог бы паралельно возглавить пару Комитетов УАФ .А также занять должности 5-6-и первых вице-президентов УАФ и 3-4-х просто вице-президентов УАФ. Уверен что по факту ничего бы не поменялось.
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