Grigory Surkis congratulated Viktor Khlus on his jubilee

Today, February 12, is the 65th birthday of Dynamo Kyiv striker of the 80s Viktor Khlus. The honorary member of UEFA Grigory Surkis congratulated the hero of the day on the round date.

Grigory Surkis

Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

It is extremely pleasant to welcome not just an outstanding player who made a huge contribution to the achievements of Dynamo Kyiv and all Ukrainian football, but also a person for whom the development and popularization of our beloved Game has become a matter of life.

Only a recount of your titles and trophies would be enough to, without any exaggeration, classify you as one of the living legends of our football, but it is no less significant that for many decades you have served as a model for more and more new generations of players, coaches and football organizers - share your unique and invaluable experience with them, inspire and motivate others.

A fan truly loved you, you were admired by millions, and now you are sincerely appreciated and respected by colleagues, associates and followers. Please accept the warmest words of gratitude from all of us, your friends and fans, as well as from the entire multi-million Dynamo family!

Dear Viktor Ivanovich! I sincerely wish you happiness, health, peace and prosperity, and also - and above all - in this difficult and turbulent time for our Motherland - a speedy Victory!

Grigory Surkis
