Bild: Neuer and Tapalovic were a gay couple

Manuel Neuer's problems continue in full force. According to Bild, the Bayern Munich goalkeeper had a close relationship with goalkeeping coach Toni Tapalovic, who was sacked at the end of January.

Tapalovic and Neuer (photo:

It is for this reason that the removal of Topalovic caused such a painful reaction from Manuel, which led to a scandal in the club.

The publication claims that the relationship between Neuer and Tapalovic was more than friendly, which was also confirmed by a source close to Bayern. We add that the football player has been married to Nina Weiss since 2017, but in 2020 they broke up.

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  • sedoj седой(sedoj) - Эксперт
    12.02.2023 20:30
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