"Dynamo U-19" in Turkey: game exercises in the regime of two training sessions

Having recovered from the control match with the double team "Dynamo" Tbilisi (1:4), the youth team of "Dynamo" Kyiv (U-19) returned to busy work at the training camp in Belek.

On Sunday, Ihor Kostyuk's team held two training sessions at the Atlantis Arcadia football center. The morning session was devoted to ball-handling exercises. At first, players worked in squares, then on a larger area of ​​the field.

The evening session started with an interesting competitive warm-up, during which the players had to hit small goals. Then the field players began to practice kicking already at the standard goal with the goalkeepers. At the same time, the conditions were close to those of the game - football players hit the ball, receiving passes at speed.

Then the players split into two teams, and the game began in the half of the field with a limit of two touches, in which Ihor Kostyuk personally played the role of neutral, directing the actions of his wards.

It should be noted that many players of the youth team were involved in the "base" control matches, including the sparring matches that took place on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Therefore, the youth team's coaching staff currently has a rather limited choice of performers.

On Monday, the team's schedule also includes two training sessions at the football center. "Dynamo U-19" will play its next, sixth in a row control match next Wednesday. The youth team of the Danish "Randers" will be the sparring partner of the Dynamo team.
