Czech footballer comes out

Czech Republic striker Jakub Jankto, who plays for Sparta Prague and belongs to Getafe, has admitted in a video on social media that he is homosexual.

Yakub Jankto (right; photo: A.Popov)

— Hello, my name is Jakub Jankto. Like everyone, I have my strengths and weaknesses. I have a family, friends and a job that I have tried to do the best I can in recent years - with professionalism, seriousness and passion. And I want to live free. Without fears and prejudices. Without violence. But with love. I am a homosexual and I don’t want to hide it anymore,” Yankto said.

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  • Sergiy S(SergiyS) - Эксперт
    13.02.2023 21:41
    Чекаємо камінг-аута від Павелка, Луччі та суддівського корпусу УПЛ
    • 9