“Maybe I’ll go back there,” Ukrainian goalkeeper Roman Mysak spent six months in... Vietnam

Ukrainian goalkeeper Roman Mysak, known for playing for Rukh and Desna, spoke about his unusual experience: he spent six months at a club from Vietnam.

Roman Mysak (photo: fcrukh.com)

“In the first half of last year, after leaving Desna, I trained with one team in Poland, but no one signed me up. I just kept in shape for several months.

And then I was invited to the Nam Din club from the Vietnam Championship. They offered me a contract for six months. It was an interesting page in my life. There was an opportunity to stay there, but I wanted to move closer to Ukraine and my family, because we had not seen each other for a long time " , - quotes the words of Mysak "Ukrainian football".

We add that now the goalkeeper plays for the Armenian "Alashkert".

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  • сергей полонский(sergeylwow) - Эксперт
    14.02.2023 13:40
    Арменія, це та країна, яка ближче до України)))
    Не хоче визнати, що страшно повертатись в Україну, боїться війни, армії, повітряних тривог і т.д....краще перекантуватись у комуністичному В'єтнамі або члені путінської одкб Вірменії
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