FC Minaj's official position on the fight won against the Russians (TEXT)

"FC Minaj has issued an official statement regarding the fight with Russian players in Turkey.

"Yesterday, on 13 February, a fight took place in the Turkish Royal Sigunas hotel involving FC Minaj and the representatives of country 404, Shinik Yaroslavl.

The fight was caused by the disgraceful behaviour of the Russian team's players towards a hotel employee and provocative shouts towards the Transcarpathians.

The information provided by Russian propaganda media that the residents of Mynai forced the representatives of Shinik to sing the national anthem and beat the player in the lift is a traditional nonsense. The fight did take place, but on the floor where the Russians were staying and in equal numbers. The number of injuries on the part of Shinik only confirms the fact that the Russians are not above throwing their own.

After the fight was over, when the residents of Mynai were in their rooms, the Russians continued to fight among themselves. Those who tried to stop the fight were accused of supporting Ukraine. The local police had to intervene to calm the Russians down.

Before the training camp, FC Minaj's main demand to the organisers was that no Russian teams should be present at the hotel. The organisers themselves claim that the hotel agreed to accommodate Shinik. The Transcarpathians appealed to the management of the Royal Seginus to evict the Russians, as representatives of the terrorist country have no right to train and play football outside their country.

On 14 February, the players went to training as scheduled.

Glory to Ukraine!" the club said on its official Facebook page.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    14.02.2023 14:25
    "14 февраля минайцы по расписанию отправились на тренировку", где подробно разобрали тактику умиротворения рашистов в возможных конфликтах. Стратегия давно была понятна - всегда и везде :-)
    • 11