"Zinchenko is overrated": Arsenal fans lash out at Ukrainian after defeat by Manchester City

"Arsenal's Oleksandr Zinchenko lost at home to direct championship rivals Manchester City (1-3) on Wednesday 15 February.

Alexander Zinchenko. Photo: gettyimages.com

After the game, Canaries fans tweeted a lot of criticism of their Ukrainian 26-year-old left-back.

Ainsworth Myrie: "Tierney plays better than Zinchenko";

Bobby Ogbolu: "Djaka and Zinchenko played poorly today";

FC Arsene: "I hope Arteta realises that Zinchenko is not really suited to the first team";

Godfrey Faulkner: "Zinchenko, Jaka and Tomiyasu dropped out of the game";

GoonerEst: "Apparently we need to sell Jesus, Martinelli, Jaku, Zinchenko and Tomiyasu";

Paulthemod67: "Zinchenko needs to remember that he is a left-back, not a midfielder. Personally, I think Tierney would have done better in this game";

Thatishi: "Zinchenko is not good enough in defence".

Sir-hid: "Zinchenko needs to be moved to midfield and Tierney back into the main squad. Zinchenko is overrated, he overplays the ball. It is Arteta's fault";

oketch riya joel: "Zinchenko should be rested because his game has slowed down recently";

Rambo: "To remove Zinchenko from the squad? He was unbelievable";

Brant _jay: "Something needs to change. "Arsenal need more rotation as the players are tired. Zinchenko needs to be moved to the centre and have Tierney to back him up."

CIC: "Zinchenko gives Arsenal a numerical advantage in midfield, which is why Arsenal don't concede so many goals.

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  • Игорь - Начинающий писатель
    16.02.2023 14:32
    Самый "умный" комментарий - это продать Жезуса, Мартинелли и Зинченко. Ну да, людей, с приходом которых "Арсенал" ведет борьбу за чемпионство, а не топ-4. Эти "мнения фанатов" уже кумарят немного. Такие же диванные эксперты как и мы здесь, на шурике
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