Viktor Leonenko: "Did you enjoy football? I would rather watch Barcelona against Manchester United

Former Dynamo forward and now football expert Viktor Leonenko talks about Shakhtar in the Europa League and Dnipro 1 in the Conference League.

Victor Leonenko

"The tactics of Shakhtar and Dnipro-1 do not work, it is erroneous - 'Hey, we give you the initiative'. Okay, Dnipro 1, they have no stars, but Shakhtar have both experienced and semi-experienced players. "Shakhtar are more experienced than Dnipro 1. Did you enjoy the football? I would rather watch Barcelona against Manchester United," Leonenko said on his YouTube channel.

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  • Shapych - Эксперт
    17.02.2023 18:12
    Шахта ще куди не йшло, а Дніпро розчарував повністю...
    Зате там "кращий тренер року"...
    • 2