Vitaly Mikolenko - about his father, who went to the front: “Sending text messages was dangerous”

Everton defender Vitaliy Mykolenko told the story of his father, who took up arms to defend Ukraine after a massive Russian attack.

Vitaly Mikolenko. Photo:

Vitaly got a call from his mother and said that his father had changed his job as a builder to a military uniform.

“I was completely shocked. I cried. My first thought was that my father would never meet my children when I had them. He was already in the bunker with practically no telephone connection. We could rarely speak, and sending text messages was dangerous because we were not sure if the Russian soldiers could intercept them and get information. When I managed to talk to him, he said that he was not afraid, but I was afraid. He is incredibly brave and still serves in the army. If he is needed somewhere else, he will go, ”Daily Mail reports Mikolenko.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    19.02.2023 12:59
    Уважение и благодарность отцу! А Виталик просто не имеет права разочаровывать такого батю своей игрой. Удачи обоим!
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