Vitaly Pervak: "Football players scattered after the start of the war..."

Vitaliy Pervak, the head coach of "Left Bank" Kyiv, told how the club is living now, whose team withdrew from the competition with the beginning of the war.

Vitaly Pervak

- We can say that we are still lucky. No club infrastructure was damaged as a result of military operations. We do not have any organizational problems, the management solves everything promptly. The biggest problem is the composition of the warehouse. All our football players ran away after the start of the war, now we need to recruit new ones. But it is not so simple, most of the good players are on contracts in other clubs. We are looking for free agents, we are attracting young people somewhere... This process will last a very long time, we need to form a fighting team. And we will do it, because there is no other option. We'll get back to football, Pervak ​​said.
