Yaremchuk played for Brugge for nine minutes and left the field without goals, but with a yellow card

Ukrainian striker of the Belgian Brugge Roman Yaremchuk continues to experience problems with playing practice for his current club.

Roman Yaremchuk

After the 27-year-old footballer played on the bench the match of the 1/8 finals of the Champions League with the Portuguese "Benfica" (0:2), Yaremchuk appeared on the field in today's meeting of the Belgian Championship with "Cercle Brugge" (2:2) , but only in the 81st minute of the game.

During the playing time allotted to him, the striker failed to distinguish himself with effective actions, and at the same time received a yellow card (in the second stoppage minute of the second half).

This season, Yaremchuk took part in 20 matches of his team, but in only eight cases he was in the starting lineup. Of the effective actions, the Ukrainian has two goals and two assists.
