“Russian football has been stagnating for a long time, and it’s not at all about the lack of European cups,” Orenburg head coach

Orenburg head coach Adesoye Oyevole talks about the real level of Russian football.

Adesoye Oyewole

“Stagnation in Russian football has been going on for a long time, and it’s not about European cups. It comes from the training system for football players. Just the absence of European competitions contributed to the fact that all the problems got out.

As far as I remember, most coaches were focused on achieving results right now. Instead of achieving the progress of a young player, they set other goals. I see this chain: the team must win, always with a big score, the striker is the best scorer, I am a great children's coach, give me a bigger salary. But a children's coach should initially receive a good salary. Then he will set the goal of the development of the child, ”Match TV quotes Oyevole as saying.

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