Viktor Vatsko: “UAF has no documented agreements with Rebrov”

Well-known Ukrainian TV commentator Viktor Vatsko spoke about the prospects for Serhiy Rebrov's transfer to work in the Ukrainian national team.

Viktor Vacko

“It is not clear how the situation with the head coach of the Ukrainian national team will develop after this March “performance of duties” Ruslan Rotan. They say that already in March Andrei Pavelko will introduce Sergey Rebrov, that everything has been agreed, but they are dragging out the story, allegedly so as not to offend the sheikhs of Al-Ain. So that in a fit of anger they do not throw Rebrov for money.

But once you pick up the phone, make a few calls, and you understand that the UAF has no documented agreements with Rebrov. Yes, we verbally agreed on something, but that was a long time ago. And it has not been transformed into something that has at least some legal weight, ”Vacko said on the air of the author’s program on YouTube.
