The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team: "Tymoschuk's position came as an unpleasant surprise. He chose money

The former press secretary of the Ukrainian national team, Ihor Miroshnychenko, spoke about Ukrainian football players who played for Russian clubs after 2014.

Ihor Miroshnychenko

— Rakitsky returned to Shakhtar. Did the athletes returning after earning money in Russia realize that Russia is the aggressor? Is it just a fixture?

— I think it's an adaptation. Unfortunately, we cannot talk about legal sanctions against such athletes, unless they were collaborators and are not subject to the Law "On Collaboration". If they have always crossed the border in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, then it is impossible to apply sanctions to them. Especially if they are citizens of Ukraine.

Their responsibility lies in the moral and ethical plane. But I have very little faith in the fact that people who thought it was normal to play for Muscovites after 2014 suddenly changed. Maybe they saw through it, maybe they saw something after February 24, but I doubt it very much.

— Did Tymoshchuk disappoint you?

— Of course, I was disappointed, but I would say that he surprised me a lot. I remember Tymoshchuk very well from the national team of Ukraine. Unfortunately, it so happened that Tymoshchuk was one of the few who spoke Ukrainian in that national team of Ukraine. In addition to him, Yezersky also spoke Ukrainian. Andriy Bal is in the coaching staff. And there were no more Ukrainian speakers.

Therefore, Tymoshchuk's position since the beginning of Russia's open aggression against Ukraine came as an unpleasant surprise. But you see, people get to know each other in such difficult situations. He chose money and shame. Money will not bring him joy, and shame will remain with him forever. He tarnished himself, his family, and being branded a traitor is the worst thing that can happen. I think he is definitely not sleeping soundly. He is sure that the money he chose will not bring him happiness in life.

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