Shinnik player - about the fight with Minaya players: "We didn't think they were ready to kill

Shinnik player Daniil Petrunin spoke about the fight with Minaya players in a hotel in Turkey.

Daniel Petrunin

"We didn't think people could have such aggression, that they were ready to kill. The Minaya players were screaming, "Let's kill you!" Understandably, that kind of thing provokes a corresponding backlash.

But it doesn't apply to all Ukrainian players. I'm sure that among them there are some decent ones, but the actions of those from Minaya are hard to describe with any words of censorship, especially in respect of our team manager. It's just incomprehensible.

Some spoke in Russian, some in Ukrainian. Did I understand anything? Not in Ukrainian, it was shouted from afar. And those who stood in the front rows spoke Russian," Petrunin said in comments to local media.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    22.02.2023 14:44
    А после зверств в Буче, Херсоне, Мариуполе вас в десна целовать и пирожными кормить? Ублюдки.
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