"Auda did not allow its Russian legionnaire to the match against Dynamo

As previously reported, last Thursday Dynamo Kyiv held its next control match at the training camp in Turkey, beating Latvian "Auda" 3-0.

Stanislav Karpukhin

But after the game it turned out that Russian legionary of "Auda" was not admitted to the game. - striker Stanislav Karpukhin. That was Dinamo's request, which the Latvian club unconditionally complied with.

"Of course, our club could not assume that a citizen of the aggressor country came out on the same field with Dynamo Kyiv. The Latvian side immediately assured that the Russian personally asked to stay in Latvia because of his unwillingness to return to Russia, saying that he considers his country the aggressor. But he did not make any public statements to this effect, and therefore "Dynamo" asked that this man not be present in the application for the match.

"Auda" immediately agreed to comply with our request, for which she is very grateful!

This and only this version is true. Krapukhin himself did NOT ask his club not to include him in the roster for the match, as some of our media say. This is a detail, but it is important," - said Andriy Shakhov, the club's employee of Dynamo TV on his page on social network Facebook.
