Fonseca dedicates Lille's victory to Ukraine: emotional words of former Shakhtar coach

Yesterday, Lille defeated Brest in a strong-willed style and qualified for the European Cup. At the post-match press conference, Paulo Fonseca mentioned Ukraine, which has been fighting back against the Russian invaders for a year now.

Paulo Fonseca

"I want to say something in conclusion. A year ago, I was in Ukraine when the war broke out. I cannot forget those people who continue to suffer. I would like to dedicate this victory to them," Fonseca said, according to L'Équipe.

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  • Сергеич 55 - Наставник
    25.02.2023 17:26
    Зауважал Фонсеку... Не в первый раз высказывается за страну. Даже с учетом того, что у него жена украинка, все равно респект...
    • 6