Oleg Fedorchuk: "Konoplyanka in the national team? Why not Milevsky or Seleznev?"

Famous coach Oleh Fedorchuk reacted to rumors about the call-up of Krakow winger Yevhen Konoplyanka to the Ukrainian national team.

Oleg Fedorchuk

- How do you feel about the rumors that Konoplyanka may be included in the Ukrainian national team's application for the next Euro qualifying match against England?

- For me, this is an information shock. I have always believed that the national team is the best players in the country in their positions. This is not a team of acquaintances, friends and the federation, but the best players. I believe that Konoplyanka can be given the opportunity to finish well in the national team, as was the case with Tymoshchuk at Euro 2016 in France.

But Yevhen has never been the leader of the national team, he has not played a leading role in the team. Of course, he is a good football player, but nothing more. Also, Yevhen has disappeared from the football radar and fans cannot fully understand what kind of player he is.

These rumors suggest that we are lowering our level of football. It's not at the highest level anyway, and we're bringing Konoplyanka back. The national team should set an example. For me, the national team is the peak of professionalism. All staff must match the level of the national team. What can we demand from our clubs when such rumors are circulating around the main team of the country. I have a negative attitude towards such prospects and returns.

- Do you believe that this option can become real at all?

- After the scandals, after unpredictable appointments and dismissals... What is the fact that after the World Cup Petrakov did not take over the youth team, and Rotan took over the position. Why didn't they keep Petrakov if the association said he was doing a good job? That's why I wouldn't be surprised if Konoplyanka returns. Against the backdrop of corruption and political scandals around the association, it's believable.

I would like to see this all stop and move to a constructive level. The war and the circumstances in the country should make people more responsible. But these insults and scandals, which are more than ten years old, should disappear.

A young man, no offense, just a person who has never coached a professional team, immediately becomes the best coach of all time. Three positions. This is a world record. Head coach of a club, youth team and national team. How is this possible? Only dwarf teams with no staff can afford it.

Why not Milevsky and why not Selezniov? They have the same level as Konoplyanka. If we're going to be weird, we need to be weird to the fullest. Perhaps I'm being too harsh, but I'm tired of this understatement. When a person is colorless - not black, not white, but gray - I don't like it. It's time to call a spade a spade. I think we should seriously prepare for the match against England. If you don't want to, then dig trenches. It may sound harsh, but I'm tired of it.

- Perhaps the national team lacks certain qualities now, so there is a need for Konoplyanka?

- Yevhen didn't play a key role even in his best condition. Let's use logic. This player was not included in Shakhtar's rotation. That is, Shakhtar's players who looked great in the match against Rennes are not needed, while Konoplyanka, who hardly played there, is needed. This is absurd. He gave an assist in the last match. Should he be called up to the national team for that?

If Konoplyanka were 17 years old and he was a

To be honest, even the rumors of this call upset me. Perhaps the English federation launched this information to destabilize (laughs).

- Will Konoplyanka be able to compete with Mudryk and Zubkov?

- It's like comparing a Mercedes and a Slavuta. Even in his best times, he wouldn't have a chance.

- How do you feel about the phenomenon of calling up older players to the national team?

- There must be respect for human achievements and work. That's why there are exhibition matches at the end of the season. The championship is over and the player gets a chance to play a farewell match. But only stars get such a chance, and we have very few of them. And now is not the right time, we need to prepare for the start of the qualifying cycle. We need to test the players, and this is no joke. Especially such a famous opponent, and we don't often play with such opponents.

Playing at Wembley in England is a dream for a footballer, and we know how they treat football there, it's a cult. And now we have a lot of attention and we cannot miss the chance to make ourselves known. I don't understand how you can't give young players a chance in such matches.

- Is it possible that Konoplyanka is not the only veteran who will return to the national team? Does Rakytskyi have a chance to be in the main team of the country?

- Only as a coach (laughs). To do this, he needs to perform a real feat. Of course, it can happen, but you need to constantly prove that you are worthy of this challenge. In my opinion, there are no other ways but work and results. Nowadays, you can't upset people once again with such calls to the national team.

Artem Zhylinskyi
