Andriy Shevchenko: "This is my line, and this is where I find myself most useful"

Former head coach of the Ukrainian national team Andriy Shevchenko, on the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, received the La Chiave d'Europa award for commitment to peace in Florence. The 46-year-old commented on the event.

Andriy Shevchenko (photo:

- "I would like to thank Italy for the important support of my country: thank you all, we know you are with us.

The numbers were scary. I think that about seven million Ukrainian refugees arrived in Europe, and all European countries accepted them, opened their doors, and created a chance for the Ukrainian people to live this year at least with some peace of mind.

We are talking about families, because those who left the country are mothers with children, while men stayed behind to defend our country.

In light of the fact that our President Zelenskyy has asked for significant military support, the heads of government know what is best for Ukraine at this time.

I focus on different projects, sports and humanitarian. This is my line, and this is where I consider myself most useful for my country. I'm here to talk about these projects and give another message to the whole world to support my country," Shevchenko was quoted as saying by ANSA.
