"It's for the best that they didn't put us in Turkey with this garbage," the Polesie midfielder said of the Russian players

Artem Kozak, midfielder of Zhytomyr Poles'ka spoke out about how Minaya players smashed the faces of Russian players from Yaroslavl Shinnik during the training camp in Turkey.

Artem Kozak

"We had no such neighbors in Turkey. I think it's for the best that we were not accommodated with this garbage. If we had also met the likes of Shinnik, we would have battered them badly.

I salute and respect the guys from Minai. In such cases, you must defend the honor of your country, especially as our players are known to have defended the woman whom their drunken player attacked. In my opinion, the Minays are great heroes. They taught people how to behave because they are inadequate, there`s nothing to talk to them, they understand only the language of force," - Kozak was quoted as saying. "Ukrainian Football".

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