PFL President: "All clubs are preparing for the resumption of the season, there are no refusals"

Oleksandr Kadenko, President of the Professional Football League, spoke about the teams' preparations for the spring season and potential newcomers to the next championship.

Alexander Kadenko

"At the moment, everyone is preparing for the resumption of the season. There are no refuseniks. Of course, there are clubs that are experiencing difficulties, but we hope they will overcome them.

We have switched to online mode, so club managers no longer have to travel to the capital to submit their teams' applications. I won't hide the fact that we meet some clubs halfway if they ask us to postpone the application for a day or two. This is not a problem.

As for the potential newcomers, Left Bank, Podillya, Agribusiness, Victoria, and some amateur teams are already undergoing certification. I'm not ready to say how many teams will apply for the 2023/24 season, but I believe that there will be much more than today," Kadenko said.
