Victor Tsygankov - among the best players of Girona in the match against Athletic: statistics

Ukrainian midfielder of the Spanish "Girona" Victor Tsygankov, who distinguished himself with a productive pass in the Spanish championship match against "Atletico", received high marks for his game.

Victor Tsygankov

Analytical portal WhoScored rated Tsygankov's game 7.1. The same rating was given to Borja Garcia. Only Aleix Garcia had a higher score - 8.4.

In 80 minutes on the field, Tsygankov scored an assist, 38 touches on the ball, made 21 accurate passes out of 28 (75%), had one successful rounding, earned one foul, knocked the ball away once and twice intercepted it.

Tsygankov's assist in the match between Athletic and Girona:
