Doctor criticizes Lochoshvili for act positively evaluated by FIFA (VIDEO)

Former Rukh Lviv doctor Dmytro Babeliuk criticized Wolfsberg Wolfsburg defender Luka Lochoshvili for helping his teammate. The Georgian was awarded the FIFA Fair Play Award for this act the day before.

Luka Lochoshvili

"A video that is quite dangerous for popularization has now gone viral on social media. It is about the act of Luka Lochoshvili, who was the first to come to the aid of his teammate when he fainted, and for which he received a FIFA award.

However, it is important to say that everything that Luka does after running up to his teammate is WRONG. Under no circumstances should you put your fingers in the mouth of a person who is unconscious! Under no circumstances should you hold the player's head or move the neck, as this can aggravate a spinal injury that the player may have suffered in a fall.

What should you do in this situation? Turn the player on his side, fix his body until the seizure ends, protect him from possible collateral injuries, and in this position, free the mouth from foreign bodies.

Luka's attempts to help are very commendable and the player deserves an award, but spreading the myth in the media about "taking the tongue" or "grabbing the tongue so that it does not swallow" can be dangerous for people who believe that this is how to act in such situations," Babeliuk wrote in Telegram.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    28.02.2023 18:26
    Ещё раз. За что этого малолетне-розовощекого гения уволили из Руха? Сколько людей он лично спас, чтоб это писать? Чтоб оно делало если б не отучилось в мед. институте, интернатуре , а было футболистом? Пацан молодец! Спас челу жизнь!

    А этот врач-неудачник хайпует на дурочках.
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