Volodymyr Sharan: "Satisfied with Shakhtar's game

The head coach of "Minaya" Volodymyr Sharan commented on the defeat against "Shakhtar" in the championship of Ukraine (1:4).

Vladimir Sharan. Photo by Yu.

"I am satisfied with Shakhtar's game, because we always root for them in European competitions, it's nice to play against such a team. We know what we can do at this stage, so I did not say anything bad to the guys after the game.

How do you assess the game of your newcomers? I do not want to assess it now. We need to see the game in a relaxed atmosphere and then make conclusions. I know the potential of every player, especially Melnik, who played in Aleksandria. It takes time, he probably does not know everyone in the team by name yet. Today I wanted to check him, but we still need to gain the conditions to be able to help in the future. The same goes for Bouleza whom we rented from Shakhtar, - Sharan said.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    01.03.2023 17:27
    О, как!)) Оказывается любитель кормить свои команды сырым мясом (не со всеми) не только приказывает своим игрокам "беречь игроков шахты" (истории известен прецедент), так он ещё и даже не может сдерживать своих любвиобильных эмоций к этому клубу)))...
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