"To be a Russian is to be shit," Roman Zozulya reacted to the video of the shooting of a captured Ukrainian

The former forward of Kyiv "Dynamo" and the national team of Ukraine, Roman Zozulya, spoke on the basis of a terrible video of the execution of a Ukrainian military prisoner by Russian scumbags.

Zozul's novel

"It is very difficult to write something. And it is even more difficult to choose words so as not to curse... I will write as it is.

Everyone has already seen the video where scoundrels shoot the Ukrainian Hero for his words "Glory to Ukraine!". Our soldier stands without a weapon. Without aggression. Calm. Balanced. Tired.

He was shot at close range. Mercilessly. Like lousy bitches. Despite all the rules of warfare.

Filmed on video and published online. What were they thinking?

Scare us? No, it won't work. As with the rocket attacks, as with the shooting of cars where there were civilians, this will unite us even more.

There will not be a moment when we will say that you are our brothers. We will never be friends again. Now finally such a nation as R*snia does not exist. We will never even look your way again. Our children, our children's children and their children will hate you. You will always be SHIT to everyone!

This war showed and proved that you are lousy bastards. There is nothing human about you. Being Russian is shit. There will be no separate cauldron for you in hell. There you will find a garbage bag waiting for you, in which your soldiers are returned.

You are weaklings. You are worthless. You are disgusting.

"AND THE TIME WILL COME WHEN ONE WILL SAY: GLORY TO UKRAINE! AND MILLIONS WILL ANSWER: GLORY TO THE HEROES" (Stepan Bandera)," Zozulya wrote on his page on the Facebook social network.