Sergei Sidorchuk: "Let's read and learn history. Let's not let ourselves be deceived by those who encroach on our lands, brains

Dynamo Kyiv midfielder Serhiy Sidorchuk reacted to another massive rocket attack on Ukraine by the stinking sub-country called Russia on the night of March 9.

Sergei Sidorchuk. Photo by Yu.

"Having spent the night without sleep during yet another missile attack from crazy neighbors, I wondered in honor of what such activity was: for International Women's Day or for Taras Shevchenko's birthday?

If the second option, it is interesting that Taras Grigoryevich described in his time what is happening now. At school it seemed too sad and dramatic. Now every line is in my heart.

Let us read and learn history. Let's not let ourselves be deceived by those who encroach on our lands, brains and history," Sidorchuk wrote on his Instagram page.

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  • Polkovnik Viktor Kravchuk - Старожил
    10.03.2023 15:06
    Вам би, хлопці, історію Київського Динамо вивчити - ціни б вам не було б.
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