Snezhana Yovich: "I learned the Ukrainian language in 2010".

Snezhana, the wife of Shakhtar Donetsk head coach Igor Jovicevic, shared the details of their life together with the Pitmen's coach - they have been together for 25 years.

Igor and Snežana Jovićević

- This is not the first time I have come to Shakhtar's match. I support the team every time they play in Warsaw. What is Jovicevic like before the matches? He worries a lot, sometimes it is obvious, sometimes not. At home, he always discusses soccer, it is the number 1 topic for him.

I already know soccer, we've been together for 25 years, since the time he was a player. I learned Ukrainian when we moved from Marbella to Ukraine in 2010. It was very hard, but there is a big advantage - Ukrainian and Croatian languages are very similar, - said Snezhana.

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  • Вова ДК(vovick) - Наставник
    11.03.2023 23:16
    Хорвати вивчили українську мову за рік, бо вона їм подібна. А деякі "носітєлі русскага язика" не можуть вивчити українську за ціле життя.
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