Sergey Palkin: “FIFA should help Ukrainian clubs, but on the contrary, it has made us even poorer and weaker”

Shakhtar CEO Sergei Palkin in an interview shared his opinions about FIFA.

Sergey Palkin

- What challenges did you fail to cope with?

— FIFA. They should help Ukrainian clubs. On the contrary, they made us even poorer and weaker. We tried to return some foreign players, but there was no chance. Although we have drawn the whole safety formula for them, how it works. This didn't work out at all.

It is clear that behind every footballer there is an agent who wants to earn money and who already has in his head: “Yeah, FIFA gave permission again, then it will give it again, then he is a free agent. And then I'll make a lot of money. Let the Ukrainian clubs that have invested in football players rest.”

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