FIFA will change the format of World Cup 2026: 48 teams will play in the tournament for the first time!

FIFA will change the format of the 2026 World Cup. This is reported by The Athletic journalist David Ornstein.

According to the source, 48 teams will play at World Cup-2026 for the first time. Previously, 32 national teams played in the final part of the world championships.

It was planned that teams will be divided into 16 groups of 3 teams in each, but after WC-2022 it was decided that this format is not the best because of the possible loss of intrigue in the last round. In addition, the teams would have the option to finish the match with the result that would favor both teams.

As a result, FIFA decided to change the format to 12 groups of four teams. The playoffs will go to the first two teams in each group and the top 8 teams among those ranked third. Thus, there will be 104 matches over the 39 days of the tournament. It will be the longest World Cup in history.

Recall that the World Cup 2026 will be held in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

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  • Олег Бойко(Oleg-) - Эксперт
    14.03.2023 19:05
    Я на последнем ЧМ просмотрел 90% матчей, при новом формате, сомневаюсь, что потяну больше 50%, про грамотную политику не согласен, деньги это хорошо, но ставить деньги на первое место, это не развивает футбол.
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