"The result came very quickly" - a journalist about the failure of the Ukrainian youth national team in the elite round of Euro

Famous journalist Serhiy Tyshchenko on the failure of the youth national team of Ukraine in the elite qualifying round for Euro 2023 U-17.

Yuri Moroz

"The national team of Ukraine failed the elite round for Euro U-17. We lost twice to Ireland and Italy. They defeated Cyprus. In two matches we did not score and conceded 8 goals. Now the next training camp for those born in 2006 will be in the fall of 2024. In a year and a half.

We reaped what we sowed. For a long time we could not determine the coach who will lead the team. We made the official decision only in the fall, when the first round of selection was very close. No selection or training camps were held. We wanted to shine a light on someone through the national team. They showed their level... The opponents worked hard. We started training at the age of 15. The result came very quickly...

Italy gave us a master class in tactical terms. The Italians blocked our leaders and the whole game fell apart. We began to put pressure at the end of each half, when we statistically concede the most goals..." Serhiy wrote on Facebook.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    14.03.2023 19:37
    Я так понимаю Президент УАФ по этому поводу будет держать язык в том месте где обычно... И шесть первых вице-президентов и шесть просто вице президентов там же языки хранят. Упс.

    А как же Комитет УАФ сборных? Его не придурки возглавляют? Две соголавы. Блохін Олег Володимирович. Михайличенко Олексій Олександрович. Первый заместитель Протасов Олег Валерійович. Заместитель Демяненко Анатолій Васильович. Все заслуженные мастера и тренеры. Ну расскажите нам, чем вы занимаетесь кроме того чтоб бегать в суд работодателя отмазывать. Где тренер сборной?
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