Palkin tells where Shakhtar will complain to FIFA next

Shakhtar CEO Sergei Palkin spoke about the next steps in the Donetsk team's fight against FIFA.


- "Next week, we are filing a complaint with the European Commission because FIFA has completely violated European antitrust laws with this decision. And when we receive the full CAS decision, we will submit the entire text to the Federal Court. But not all cases are accepted there. But this judiciary created in the CAS does not allow us to win this case at all. So we will change the system.

You see, FIFA is a body that is above the states. It's impossible to get through to them and get them to make a proper decision. But we want the world to know what they did to Ukrainian clubs," Palkin said.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    20.03.2023 21:28
    УЕФА (и ФИФА) - точно такая же структура, в которую "не достучаться", которую вы сделали вместе с павелкиным.
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