Roman Zozulya: "So much for the nation. A nation of slaves and idiots"

Former Dynamo Kyiv and Ukrainian national team forward Roman Zozulya talks about the enormous losses of Russians during the occupation war against Ukraine.

Roman Zozulya

"1020 dead Russians per day. But they don't care.

Mothers do not care that their "children" are dying. Wives will find a new husband. Children will fall in love with a new father.

So much for the nation. A nation of slaves and idiots," Zozulya wrote in his telegram channel.

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  • MateyS
    MateyS SergiyM(MateyS) - Наставник
    24.03.2023 10:46
    А "новим папкою", по ходу, буде китаєць...
    • 6