Oleksandr Karavaev: "Everyone was thrilled with what Rotan offered us, what a training process.

Oleksandr Karavaev, the midfielder of Kyiv Dynamo and the Ukraine national football team summed up the results of yesterday's match with England (0:2) in the qualifying round of Euro 2024.

Alexander Karavaev (right) in the match against England

- Of course, it was hard to play against the highly skilled players of the English team, but we tried to play our own soccer. We took the opponent apart and knew how he would act.

The first goal turned out the way they usually play. There was such a quality pass that the ball went over our heads and no one had time to play. I wanted to play, but I did not hit the ball.

The second goal was the class of the player. We tried to go forward to create chances, but it was hard.

- There`s no permanent head coach. How do they perceive it in the team?

- Nothing, we are all professionals. It is a great professionalism that Ruslan Petrovich agreed to head the team. If he did not agree, who would have come?

Perhaps they could not agree with the new head coach, and it was Ruslan Petrovich who was put in charge of the training camp. Everyone was fascinated by what he offered us, what the training process was, the atmosphere in the team - everything was at a high level.

- The selection has just begun. The group is very hard. Despite the defeat, can we compete for Euro 2024?

- Of course, we will. There is always a chance, especially now it is only the first game. There will be many more matches. We`ll play at home nominally - of course, I would like to play in Ukraine...

We will still have big chances to win, get points and go to Euro.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    27.03.2023 09:21
    Эх.... Саня, Саня... Ты не только "хотел сыграть по мячу, но не попал".... Ты ещё и с интервью промазал... И кстати, по первому голу, может что-то изменилось? Я понимаю, что Мудрик дал подать..., что Стёпа дезориентировал..., что Трубин не крикнул "я!" и не вышел...., НО я всегда знал, что соперника всегда надо контролировать ПЕРЕД собой... Или нет, Саня?))
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