I'm the head coach, why should I explain my decision to you?" - Aleksandr Petrakov again debated with a journalist (VIDEO)

Head coach of the Armenian national team Alexander Petrakov once again debated with a reporter when asked why Tigran Barsegyan was not substituted in the Euro 2024 qualification match against Turkey (1:2).

Alexander Petrakov

Why didn't you replace Tigran Barseghyan?

- Do you think he should not play? Is it your opinion that he should not play?

- No. Why didn`t you change him?

- I am the head coach. It is my decision.

- Explain your decision.

- Why do I have to explain that decision to you? I just said: I'm the head coach. I made that decision. That`s all. You don`t like Tigran Barseghyan? Do you think I should have changed him? I made that decision. If you can, please forgive me.

- No, it's not a question of forgiveness...

- No, I told you the same thing. I'm the head coach. I'm in charge of that. You can criticize me here. That's why I'm the head coach, right? You asked me why I didn't change it. I'm saying I'm the head coach and I made that decision. I didn't offend you, did I?

- No, no. That's an answer. I'll take it.

- I'm sorry. I made that decision. Right or wrong.

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  • alex1964B - Наставник
    28.03.2023 19:43
    Забув поставити смайлик і отримав свої мінуси,,як єдиний захисник Петракова на сайті.Напевно не варто іронізувати ,а прямо сказать-і я засуджую,я свій.
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