Bohdan Kogut: "Soon goalkeepers will be told to stand with their backs to the player who takes the penalty"

The International Football Association Board (IFAB) has announced a list of changes to football rules that will come into force on July 1, 2023.

Bohdan Kohut

In particular, goalkeepers are prohibited from "showing disrespect to an opponent during a penalty kick and distracting the opponent in an unfair manner during a penalty kick."

The goalkeeper of "Veres" Bohdan Kogut is very surprised by this wording:

"Who makes these rules, what for? We, the goalkeepers, have already been forbidden to leave the goal line during the penalty shootout. It is forbidden to touch the crossbar before hitting. Now for something new. Soon I will be told to stand with my back to the kicker, and if he hits me in the back, the shot will be blocked (smiles). You see, the goalkeeper is already in a losing position during the penalty. The chance of repelling such a blow does not exceed 10 percent out of a hundred. And we are still oppressed..."

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  • - РОНИН -(ronin-za-dynamo) - Эксперт
    01.04.2023 19:19
    Совершенно верно. Такое впечатление, что вратарь изначально не имеет права отбивать пеналь. Где справедливость, где спортивный принцип? Дуэль должна быть с равными шансами, а тут изначально перекос.
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