An unexpected problem: Ronaldo's children are beaten at school

The bride of Cristiano Ronaldo (in this status she is in Saudi Arabia), but in fact his common-law wife Georgina Rodriguez spoke about family problems in a new country.

The Ronaldo family (photo:

“There are cases when our children are beaten at school, but they do not defend themselves. One of my children came home the other day and started crying. I asked what happened, and received the answer: "I was beaten." - I said: "Don't you know how to defend yourself?" Georgina said.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    01.04.2023 19:52
    Наверное, не в простой же школе учатся дети Роналду? Раньше дети Роналду в своих школах были в привилегированном положении, а сейчас, наверное учатся с детьми шейхов? А у детей шейхов, инородцам трудно быть в почёте. Восток - дело тонкое!
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