Referee Krivushkin, who decided to limit the warning to the player of Dnipro-1 Domingo Blanco, who rudely attacked Vitaliy Buyalskiy in the match of the 17th round of the Ukrainian championship with Dynamo, continues, probably by the decision of CA UAF, to be out of the game.
Krivushkin was not among the appointed for the matches of the 18th and 19th rounds, and he is not in today's assignments for the 20th round, matches of which will be held April 7-9. In three days there will be exactly a month, during which the UPL lives without Kharkiv citizen.
От, тільки Дніпру1 від цього вже легше не буде. Побачимо, як дніпровці потім будуть хвалити цього кривушкіна..
советский боевик на полу-документальной основе.
Там корумпированный глава КГБ честному полковнику
сказал - "Ты хорошо потрудился, теперь можно и отдохнуть"
и прямо из кабинета направил за ним киллера.....