Mircea Lucescu: "People from Nice came, but I could not leave Dynamo. It is not in my character".

The head coach of "Dynamo" Mircea Lucescu said that he was not going to leave our club, despite the interest from the French "Nice".

Mircea Lucescu. Photo: fcdynamo.com

"Whatever happens, I do not negotiate with anyone. There were discussions when we played in Rennes. People from Nice came, but it never occurred to me to leave. Here in Ukraine there is a lot of effort to continue the championship. When we played against Rennes, there were representatives of Nice. I could have joined Fenerbahce in summer, but I did not want to. It was not in my character. I could not leave the team in the state it was in. If the Dynamo management decides that a change is needed, then I will leave", Lucescu said in an interview with Prima Sport 1.

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  • Жозе Галицький(zoze) - Наставник
    07.04.2023 18:03
    На сьогодні кращого варіанту як Луческу немає.Вірю що зможе подолати цю кризу,якщо Суркіси допоможуть.І взагалі Луческу дуже змінився в порівнянню,як він був в Шахтарі.На мою думку проблеми набагато глибше ніж ігрові і тактичні кондиції виконавців.
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