The Russian swamps are going to "integrate" the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine into their sport

The authorities of the lame-ass non-country called "Russia" have thrown up a so-called "bill" aimed at "integrating" the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine - Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions - into their sports system.

Laptenogiy idiots from the houses without latrines seriously think that they can give Ukrainians their unnecessary on this planet sports categories and titles. In addition, the rapidly degrading Russians are planning to organize competitions - both individual and team - on the temporarily occupied territories.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    08.04.2023 09:04
    Им пора уже у себя вводить звание "мастер спорта по метанию коровьих лепешек" и т.п.
    • 4