Kevin de Bruyne on Holand's bisicle: "If I had done that, I would have ended up in Southampton Hospital!" (VIDEO)

Manchester City midfielder Kevin de Bruyne shared his impressions after reaching the 100 assists mark in the APL.

Erling Holland. Photo:

"I'm a creative player and I try to create as much as possible. We scored a lot of goals in my eight years at Manchester City, I was lucky with my teammates. It's great, maybe when I'm done with soccer I'll look back.

Holand's second goal - you'll never see me shoot the way he did (Ehrling kicked it over himself - note)! If I had done that I would have been in Southampton Hospital!

Holland is happy here. We create a lot of chances and he does the rest. Jack Grealish is playing just incredible, and the difference is he has more goals and assists now. He's exceptional," de Bruyne said.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    09.04.2023 13:39
    Холанд поразительный футболист. Как хочет, так и забивает. Со временем ему покорятся все футбольные рекорды результативности.
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