Arsenal fans: "Zinchenko didn't exist on the field today"

Arsenal fans criticized Oleksandr Zinchenko for his performance in the away match with Liverpool (2:2) in the 30th round of the Premier League.

Alexander Zinchenko (right). Photo:

taytel: "Zinchenko himself realized that he let his team down, even shed a tear!";

darkito_tg: "Zinchenko did not exist on the field today";

Kofi B: "Zinchenko cost the team victory";

bobo: “Six days a week, Zinchenko manages midfield, but on this seventh day he became a burden in defense”;

Runner We Mbinga: “Zinchenko, to be honest, is an average player. I am glad that it is because of him that Arsenal may not win the title”;

R: "Zinchenko is a burden in defense";

DOUBRAYE: "Why does Zinchenko keep making some blunders after fantastic games?";

Tony Malesi: "Zinchenko cost us two points."

Goni Doji: “Arteta was delayed with the replacement. Zinchenko had to be replaced in the 70th minute”;

The Gaffer: Today Mikel made some wrong key decisions that cost us two points. Zinchenko should have been removed earlier before we conceded the second goal”;

Dr. Samuel Ekudayo: "Arteta had to remove Zinchenko from the 70th minute, when the pressure became high";

John: “Even I understood that Zinchenko needed to be changed in order to defend himself”;

Democrat: "Zinchenko should have been replaced earlier, he was tired";

c for: "Why do you continue to keep Zinchenko on the field if Tierney is in the reserve?";

Wayne Spendlove: "Zinchenko should have been replaced by Tierney."

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  • Olexandro Kyivsky(Kyiv-70) - Наставник
    10.04.2023 15:30
    Статистика по ударам: 21:9 на користь Лівера. Це теж Зіна винний? Незважаючи на
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