"Rukh" - "Dynamo": referees. The referee in the field is a female referee who has never officiated matches involving Dynamo

The UAF Referee Committee has appointed a referee team for the match of the 21st round of the Ukrainian Championship between Rukh Lviv and Dynamo Kyiv, which will take place tomorrow, April 14, in Lviv at the Arena Lviv stadium (beginning at 15:00).

Anastasia Romanyuk

Judge in the field - Anastasia Romanyuk from Ivano-Frankivsk. This 39-year-old referee has never served matches involving the first team of Dynamo Kyiv, and has been involved in UPL matches since 2021.

The line judges in the duel "Rukh" - "Dynamo" will be Viktor Nizhnik (Vinnitsa) and Maxim Chertolyas (Kherson). The fourth arbiter is Christina Kozorog (Grebenka, Poltava region). The work of the arbitrators will be assessed by Igor Khiblin representing Khmelnitsky.

We add that the video assistance system for VAR referees will not be used at the upcoming meeting.

As a reminder, the match between Rukh and Dynamo will take place on Saturday, April 14, in Lvoe at the Arena Lviv stadium (beginning at 15:00).

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  • Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    13.04.2023 20:22

    Ой! будем считать, что неудачная фотография, а девушка намного красивей и не_обижена жизнью. А ещё буду надеяться, что она не_прочитает мой комментарий в общей куче!
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