Sports doctor explains why Zinchenko missed the match against West Ham

Sports doctor Dmytro Babeliuk, known for his work at Rukh Lviv, explained why Oleksandr Zinchenko missed Arsenal's match against West Ham.

Oleksandr Zinchenko

"It officially became known that Oleksandr missed the game due to problems with his groin area. However, the club said that the problem was not serious and they just decided to take care of the player. So, what kind of problem could the Ukrainian have?

Whoever follows our channel closely knows that in the world of sports medicine, the groin area is considered one of the most difficult areas. There are a lot of muscle attachments, ligaments, the inguinal canal, which can develop a hernia, nerves, and the hip joint itself.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the complexity of an injury and which structure causes pain. However, the Arsenal medical service is quite confident that the problem is not serious.

In this case, it is most likely an overloaded tendon in one of the adductor muscles of the thigh. These tendons are attached in the groin area, and the muscles themselves play a key role in ball handling (kicking, passing, controlling, and dribbling).

Very often, players experience pain in this area when the muscle is overloaded and the tendon makes itself felt. In turn, this condition is not critical and can be treated quite easily with additional rest, recovery, and light exercise.

We commend the Arsenal staff for putting the health of their key player at the forefront of their minds even at such a crucial time for the team, trying to prevent further, potentially more serious health problems by giving the player a much-needed break.

We will wait for official confirmation of our medical speculation and hope that there will be no full-fledged injury," Babeliuk wrote on Telegram.
