"People in Moscow live with fear," Mostovoy spoke of ending Russia's war against Ukraine

Former Russian soccer player Alexander Mostovoy spoke about the need to stop the war that his sub-country has been waging against Ukraine for two years now.

Alexander Mostovoy

"Life in our country is complicated now. In sports, for example, we perform only in Russia, and it's difficult. And the worst thing is the uncertainty, because we don't know what will happen after some time.

I live in Moscow and I see that there are people who live very bad lives: not only with constant worries, but also with fear...

You should always look at what's behind you. You can't live like we used to live ten years ago, because people are afraid. We want this conflict to stop," Relevo quotes Mostovoy as saying.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    17.04.2023 08:14
    Пограничник с острова Змеиный дал четкую инструкцию. Шо, б... ,не понятно?!
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