Tsygankov could end up at Inter

Ukrainian midfielder of the Spanish "Girona" Victor Cygankov, who moved to this club last winter from Dynamo Kiev, could be in the Italian "Inter". This was reported by the famous Ukrainian journalist and TV commentator Igor Cyganik.

Victor Tsygankov

According to the source, Tsygankov received an offer from Inter to transfer and had every chance to continue his career in this club.

- But Tsygankov was not guaranteed a place in the Inter roster. The club just saw him as a cheap forward. That's why Tsygankov chose Girona," Tsyganyk added.

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  • Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    17.04.2023 21:37
    Не міг! По перше, Віктор заздалегідь хотів саме в Іспанію, по друге хотів немаленьку зарплатню!
    По третє, хто такий Циганик?
    • 2