Sergey Rebrov: "I am grateful to Shkapenko for everything he did for me. The news of his departure really shook me...".

The famous Ukrainian soccer player and coach Sergei Rebrov reacted to the death of his friend and partner in the Kiev "Dynamo" of the early 90's Pavel Shkapenko, who died the day before at the age of 50.

Sergey Rebrov

"I find it hard to estimate anything concerning Pavlo`s soccer career, for me, above all, he was a very good friend. Even when we were both no longer with Dynamo, we often kept in touch, and recently we have not lost touch either, even despite our very different lifestyles.

And the news of Pasha`s departure really shook me. After all, a very big part of my life is associated with him, we joined Dynamo, we became a part of the team together. I am grateful to him for the years that we were together, for the way he supported me in everything.

He was a very kind man who bribed me with his discreetness, tactfulness. In my new environment, when I first came to Kiev, Pasha was the only friend I had. He was a very decent and reliable person, who always supported me. I am grateful to him for everything he did for me, let earth be his soul", - said Rebrov.

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  • Александр Гавриш(gavrich) - Начинающий писатель
    18.04.2023 09:01
    Дуже сумно, що такі люди і в такому віці відходять у вічність.
    Сергій Ребров тепло і щиро відреагував на втрату друга і товариша по команді.
    Павло Шкапенко один із відомих видатних запоріжців, які вдало виступали за наше ДК. Це переповнювало гордістю серця запрізьких вболівальників Динамо.
    Світла пам'ять і вічний спокій.
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