Oleg Dulub: "Lviv" forbade me to even say goodbye to the team, and immediately after the dismissal demanded to leave the club ba

Belarusian coach Oleg Dulub revealed the details of his dismissal from the position of Lviv coach, which was officially announced in the second half of March.

Oleg Dulub

- Who fired you?

- The meeting was attended by the honorary president, vice president, general director and sports director. So they told me that they had decided to part with me.

Let's remember that day.

- A couple of days before that, we played a championship match, the team had two days off. And at that time, the team was knocked down by some incomprehensible infection, he himself fell ill. I went to the doctor in the hospital, they looked at me and said that it looks like a coronavirus. I expressed doubts and said that I would go to the club doctor at the hotel, I would check with him. And on the way to the hotel, I received a call from the club's office and was invited to a conversation.

- Did you understand what we were talking about?

— Absolutely not. The only thing I assumed was that this would be a completely standard conversation, because there were a lot of cases and questions. I thought we would discuss some game moments, domestic, training camps, sparring and so on. At such meetings, a wide range of issues is usually discussed. But when I arrived and went into the office, the leaders who were present there almost immediately told me that a decision had been made to part with me. He took it absolutely calmly, without emotions.

- Did you explain the reasons?

- Yes, there was nothing at all. That is, in the literal sense, I was put before a fact without explanation. I didn’t find out myself, because I understood that if they want to be fired, then it doesn’t matter why. Like in that joke about the hat. Plus, they also told me this: "Let's settle accounts with you right now, help with things." He answered that this would not work, because the conditions of parting were prescribed in the contract, and they had to be observed.

- Did their proposals not correspond to what is written in the agreement?

- So they brought me a paper without signatures, without seals, they offered to sign it. And it says that I am being fired for violating labor discipline. I tell them: “So show me where I came drunk, was late for training, or somehow violated discipline. There must be some justification for what was written. But they didn't answer me. In the end, he said that the agent who owns all the legal laws will deal with the issue. Here with him under the contract and resolve issues.

- How did the leadership react to your position?

- They said that, according to the contract, in this case they would pay me off within five days. We shook hands and parted ways. And now more than three weeks have passed since that meeting - so far neither I nor Alexander Granovsky (Dulub's assistant in the coaching staff of Lviv, - ed.) did not receive the salary that we are due. No money for March, no contractual bonuses.

- Significant amount?

- It depends. In any case, I am a supporter of the fact that if a contract is signed, it must be carried out from and to. In general, we are still waiting, but I don’t know how long it will last. Let's see.

- Tell us more about the situation when on March 21 the club announces its separation from you, and a week later there is information that you are still legally on a contract.

— On the eve of the news appearing on the site, I had a conversation with the management. A week later, on March 27, he made a request to the federation about his legal status in the FC. They never paid me off, although they promised to do it within five days.

On the same day, I received a response from the UAF, with a seal and a signature, where it was written that I was the head coach of Lviv. And on April 2, a calendar game against Dynamo, a new coach is on the bench. I made a new request to the federation - no one has answered me. At the same time, I repeat, no one paid me off, I did not have any official documents on dismissal in my hands. Didn't even sign any order. And a new head coach, judging by the news from the club, has already been appointed. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if, in fact, I am the main one.

- Is it true that you were banned from appearing at the base of the club?

— Yes, just on the same day when there was a conversation with the management, this happened. Granovsky and I were even forbidden to say goodbye to the football players.

- How was it said?

- The sports director came to my room and said that the management did not want Sasha and I to be on the territory of the base, we needed to move out. How so? Like it or not, we have an agreement that we will be paid off within five days. And until this moment, I think we had the right to be at the base, because, in fact, I was still the head coach.

Plus, I wanted to say goodbye to the guys, thank them, because we have a wonderful team. But we were still given to understand that it was better to leave anyway, to leave the base. Okay, we didn't argue. Moreover, he himself did not feel very well - his head ached, a runny nose. Didn't want to aggravate the situation

— Did you manage to talk to the players?

- Many called, thanked, mostly, of course, Ukrainians. Although when I was carrying bags at the base, one legionnaire ran up and offered help, brought my things. Well, Granovsky and I moved to another hotel and lived there further.

- Did you stay in Lviv because you wanted to close legal issues?

- Yes. Plus, I had to close the sick leave. That's why I was in the city.

- There was information that the players expressed dissatisfaction with your dismissal.

— It is difficult for me to judge this, because I myself read about it in the press. And so I can say that we had even relations with the football players, because we selected the team, including for human qualities. We understood that it would not be possible to invite high-class performers, so we formed the line-up so that the guys fought for each other, were of high moral character.

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  • Epitaph , King Crimson (Перевертун) - Эксперт
    18.04.2023 10:10
    з переляку і в той самий час запопадливо(перед владою) звільнили обох білорусів у Львові .
    А ті начебто досить відверто висловилися по війні .
    Компанєйщина від нинішніх можновладців в черговий раз показує на їх непрофесіоналізм .
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